About Overseas Shipping
About Overseas Shipping (Terms for Overseas Shipping)
Introduction About us
Fish Hook, Inc. is a Japanese venture founded in 2023 that operates Fish Hook, an online store for fishing tackle and outdoor equipment. The mission of the company is “Let's give the future a beautiful natural environment and sunsets.” The company's mission is to give the future a beautiful natural environment and sunsets. In order to realize this mission, the company donates 1% of its profits to “1% for the Earth,” an initiative aimed at protecting and restoring the natural environment. In the first six months after the grand opening, a pop-up event was held at Takashimaya, a long-established department store, for the first time in Japan. We will deliver fishing culture from Japan to the world.

Terms for Overseas Shipping
Prices of products sold by the store vary depending on the product. Please check the page of each product.
* Prices shown include tax.
* Additional fees may apply.
Please select a Fish Hook product. Orders can be placed via e-mail (info@fish-hook.jp) or contact form.
Based on your instructions, Fishhooks staff will check the warehouse inventory and contact you if the item is in stock. Fishhooks will then ship the product to the overseas address specified by the customer. Shipping costs are calculated by EMS or Yamato Transport and UPS, and payment is made by PayPal.
Email: info@fish-hook.jp
Reference Terms of Use
For more information about ordering, please check our website.
Reference Contact Fish Hook
We do not accept layaways or reservations for products sold to our customers.
After we ship your purchased items, we will ship them to your overseas address by Yamato Transport or UPS.
*After shipping from our store, the items will be shipped to your overseas address by Yamato Transport or UPS.
*Some items cannot be shipped outside of Japan.
In principle, we do not accept returns or exchanges of purchased products.
We accept PayPal payment. Please set up an account and register your credit card before shopping.
Reference regarding PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/jp/webapps/mpp/business
We do not accept cancellations of purchased items after the order has been placed. Please note that we will not be able to assist you if you contact us.
Although we take every precaution to manage the condition of the products we sell, we may cancel a purchase based on a customer's request at our own convenience, for example, if a defect is found during a pre-shipment check and we are unable to provide a replacement product.
We do not accept changes to purchased items after they have been ordered.
We do not offer wrapping services for items you purchase.
Personal information of members obtained by the Company in connection with the use of this store will be strictly managed in accordance with the “Personal Information Protection Policy” and the “Handling of Personal Information” separately stipulated by the Company.
Reference Personal Information Protection
When using our store, the following acts and cases are prohibited. If our company deems that a customer falls under any of the following acts and cases, we may refuse the purchase of goods from the customer. In addition, regardless of whether or not a customer uses our store, we may directly claim compensation from the customer for any damages incurred by our company due to problems that arise directly between the customer and our company, or we may file criminal charges against the customer for any criminal acts.
1. Impersonating another person or entering or sending false order information.
2. Making an application for purchase without the intention of purchasing.
3. Actions for the purpose of commercial use, such as purchasing for the purpose of resale.
4. Delaying or failing to fulfill obligations.
5. Interfering with normal delivery, such as refusing to receive a product or returning a product due to long-term absence.
6. Acts that interfere with our normal business operations or the normal provision of our services.
7. Actions that infringe on the rights (including intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks) of the Company or third parties.
8. Criminal acts such as fraud, threats, extortion, coercion, and violence, as well as acts that offend public order and morals, and other acts that violate laws and regulations
9. Excessive demands beyond the services provided by the Company
10. If the customer falls under the category of antisocial forces.
11. Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.
In the event of a force majeure (including, but not limited to, contagious diseases, natural disasters, war, terrorism, riots, enactment, revision or abolition of laws and regulations, guidance and orders by administrative agencies, power outages, failure of communication lines, computers or network equipment, etc., interruption, delay, discontinuation or loss of data due to system maintenance, unauthorized access, failure or accident of contractors, warehouse distribution-related We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by you in the event of partial or total suspension of “Fish Hook” service due to any of the following reasons: (i) unauthorized access, (ii) failure or accident of subcontractors, warehouse logistics, or transportation, (iii) labor disputes, or (iv) accidents at facilities, etc.
governing law
The name “Fish Hook” is our trademark and is protected by intellectual property laws, including registration with the Patent Office. All trademarks displayed in our store that are not owned by us are the property of their respective owners.
1. In the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese version of these terms and conditions and any other language, the Japanese version of these terms and conditions shall prevail.
2. Fish Hook, Inc. shall not be held liable for any damages (whether indirect or direct) incurred by you as a result of any trouble that may arise between you and Fish Hook, Inc. However, this shall not apply in cases where the damage is caused by reasons attributable to the Company.
3. If the Company is liable to you or any third party for any reason, including but not limited to the application of the disclaimers set forth in these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall be liable only for direct damages, except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of the Company, and the maximum amount of damages based on such liability shall in any event be the amount paid by you to the Company. The Company and the Customer agree in advance that the amount of damages based on such liability shall in any event be limited to the amount paid by the Customer to the Company.
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions, or any part thereof, is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
1. If a lawsuit becomes necessary in relation to the use of our store, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court will be the court of exclusive jurisdiction for the first trial.
2. In the event that we use a lawyer or other specialist due to non-payment of the purchase price or violation of these Terms and Conditions by the customer, the customer shall also bear the costs of the specialist, including legal fees.
◆An Introduction to Buyee:
【For English speakers】
We always strive to improve customer purchasing conveniency, therefore we introduce you the "Buyee Connect", a platform that connect overseas customers to access our services.
When accessing from overseas, the page will display an order cart that is specifically for overseas users. If you connect to "Buyee" using this cart, you will be able to access to multilingual customer support, international payment methods, international shipping to 114 countries and regions, and low-cost shipping plans.
Please check the details below.
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[Payment methods]
Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, JCB, Alipay, UnionPay
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[Customer services (email / chat)]
Japanese / English / Chinese (Traditional / Simplified) / Indonesian / Thai / Korean / Spanish / German / Russian
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Addition to the product price and domestic shipping fee, a proxy fee of 300 yen (per order) to Buyee and international shipping fees (Buyee offers multiple options) are required.
[International shipping]
114 countries / regions Asia India, Indonesia, South Korea, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Bhutan, Brunei, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Maldives, Mongolia, Laos North America / Central America USA, El Salvador, Canada, Guadeloupe, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico Oceania Australia, Guam, Saipan, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Fiji, PNG Middle East United Arab Emirates, Israel, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Jordan Europe Iceland, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Andre, United Kingdom, Italy, Ukraine, Estonia, Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belarus, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Romania, Luxembourg, Russia South America / Africa Argentina, Algeria, Uganda, Uruguay, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia, Chile, Paraguay, French Giana, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, South Africa, Nigeria, Morocco, Mauritius, Reunion
【For Traditional Chinese】
為了提高海外客戶的購買便利,本站推出了"Buyee Connect",並開通了海外的專屬購物車。
除了產品價格和國內運費外,還需要向 Buyee 支付 300 日元(每訂單)的代理費和國際運費(Buyee 提供多種選擇)。
114個國家/地區 亞洲 印度、印度尼西亞、韓國、柬埔寨、新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國、台灣、中國、日本、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦、孟加拉國、菲律賓、不丹、文萊、越南、香港、澳門、馬來西亞、緬甸、馬爾代夫、蒙古、老撾 北美/中美洲 美國、薩爾瓦多、加拿大、瓜德羅普、哥斯達黎加、牙買加、特立尼達和多巴哥、巴拿馬、巴巴多斯、波多黎各、洪都拉斯、馬提尼克、墨西哥 大洋洲 澳大利亞,關島,塞班島,新喀里多尼亞,新西蘭,斐濟,PNG 中東 阿拉伯聯合酋長國、以色列、伊拉克、阿曼、卡塔爾、塞浦路斯、科威特、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、巴林、約旦 歐洲 冰島、愛爾蘭、阿塞拜疆、安德烈、英國、意大利、烏克蘭、愛沙尼亞、荷蘭、奧地利、希臘、克羅地亞、瑞士、瑞典、西班牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亞、捷克共和國、丹麥、德國、挪威、匈牙利、芬蘭、法國、保加利亞、白俄羅斯、比利時、葡萄牙、波蘭、馬其頓、馬耳他、摩納哥、拉脫維亞、列支敦士登、立陶宛、羅馬尼亞、盧森堡、俄羅斯 南美洲/非洲 阿根廷、阿爾及利亞、烏乾達、烏拉圭、厄瓜多爾、埃及、加納、肯尼亞、哥倫比亞、津巴布韋、塞內加爾、坦桑尼亞、突尼斯、智利、巴拉圭、法屬吉亞納、巴西、委內瑞拉、秘魯、南非、尼日利亞、摩洛哥、毛里求斯、留尼汪
【For Simplified Chinese】
为了提高海外客户的购买便利,本站推出了"Buyee Connect",并开通了海外的专属购物车。
除了产品价格和国内运费外,还需要向 Buyee 支付 300 日元(每订单)的代理费和国际运费(Buyee 提供多种选择)。
(Revised on December 2, 2024)